Set sail with the whales in Maui's Humpback Whale Sanctuary while aboard our Private Snorkel Sail or Private Sunset Sail. Learn about the magnificent giants that travel to Hawaii's warm waters each winter and enjoy a front row seat aboard a private sailing charter yacht. Add an hour to any trip for extended whale watching!

An unbelievable experience when you tell your friends that you sailed on a 43' sailboat with 50' Whales! Private whale watching tours are best in the morning when the ocean is calm and the whales are ready to play. Maui is the mecca of Hawaii Whale Watching due to the shallow, warmer waters of Maui Nui. Look out for competition pods, calves, and breeching whales!

moments of a lifetime private charters


An unbelievable experience when you tell your friends that you sailed on a 43' sailboat with 50' Whales! Private whale watching tours are best in the morning when the ocean is calm and the whales are ready to play. Maui is the mecca of Hawaii Whale Watching due to the shallow, warmer waters of Maui Nui. Look out for competition pods, calves, and breeching whales!
Click on the pictures to view more!
Whale Watching
3 hours, or more!
During the winter months(December-April) approximately 10,000 Humpback whales migrate to Hawaii waters at different times to
breed, give birth, and nurse their young.
Take advantage of an amazing opportunity to get up close and personal with magnificent giants of the sea.
Spend 3 hours or more aboard your own private yacht, where you won't have to worry about looking over shoulders or
bumping elbows with strangers- everyone gets a front row seat!
Watch as the whales breach and listen as they sing
with our onboard hydrophone.
Make memories that will last a lifetime.
Departures from Ka'anapali Beach
Seasonal Whale Watching: December - April
Wildlife not Guaranteed
Want to hear the Humpback Whales sing?
Join us for our 5-hour Private Snorkel Sail, and ADD AN HOUR to not only enjoy
whale watching, but jump in the water, tune your ears, and listen to them sing!